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Bhutan: The Last Shangri-La
To an outsider, taking a tour in Bhutan may feel like visiting a living, breathing time capsule of an era one hundred years past.
Ecosystems of the Gobi Desert
It’s not often you hear the word Gobi without the word desert attached: the image of a barren, lifeless place of endless billowing sand dunes is firmly affixed to the term desert
Mongolia Weather Tips: Travel to Mongolia
Explore weather tips for travel to Mongolia! There are typically 230-260 sunny days—from which Mongolia derives its status as "Land of the Blue Sky."
Packing List Mongolia: Travel Tips
What should you put on your packing list for Mongolia travel? Check out these travel tips and pack list items for the adventure traveler!
The Mongolia Tour: Painting the Snow Leopard Volume 5
Volume 5: Through the Eyes of the Snow Leopard. Joe Rohde's incredible journey through Mongolia continues.
Carol Tanenbaum – A Photojournal Excerpt
Lake Hovsgol Feb 19, 2007 — Beginnings The road from Moron to Lake Hovsgol is more the suggestion of a pathway for vehicles than a highway. Deeply frozen ruts, mostly, interspers
Sas Carey Q&A: An Interview with the Nomadicare Founder
“Footprints carry a person’s individual vibration, recognized by the spirits,” writes Sas Carey, author of Reindeer Herders in My Heart — Stories of Healing Journeys in M
The Frozen Highway
A short trip to Lake Huvsgul Our Nomadic Expeditions colleague Ider Batbayar speaks about his recent experiences trekking through northern Mongolia and over the frozen Lake Huvsgul