While Bhutan is a rapidly modernizing with a growing prominence especially as a leader in sustainability initiatives, the country is thoughtful about those from the outside influence their culture and customs. The secluded Himalaya kingdom is deeply rooted in Buddhism and values happiness over possessions. Travelers experience a very hospitable people. However it is important for visitors to understand the customs they will encounter, and to conduct themselves in a way that will not cause offens

First-time travelers to India may feel intimidated by the cultural differences and various norms of this subcontinent of nearly 1.4 billion people. Seen from afar, the different cultural norms may seem very strange. But we at Nomadic Expeditions provide the leading destination experts in India, as well as the top travel guides. Along with several […]

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has placed eight sites on the tentative list for the small Himalayan nation of Bhutan. UNESCO designates places as unique and diverse as the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and the grand cathedrals of Europe—and it is only a matter of time before the process of inscribes these sites on the World Heritage list ensuring their protection and preservation as sites of cultural and natural heritage o

Although technically an autonomous region of China, Tibet has been recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as home to three World Heritage Sites. All of which may be found in the capital city of Lhasa—plus one Tentative listing, the Yalong region, which is the cradle of Tibetan culture. The three places within Lhasa are each highlights of any Tibet cultural itinerary offering unique vantages of the beauty, history, architecture and culture of

Visiting Nepal’s four UNESCO World Heritage Sites is like traveling backwards in time—seeing the birthplace of Lord Buddha, touring the ancient monuments of long-ago dynasties dedicated to Hindu and Buddhist deities, and visiting national parks whose headwaters provide flowing life for so much of a vast region. From intricately carved architectural details to the peak of Everest—Nepal is not short on splendor, as these four sites comprise innumerable marvels.